We would like to acknowledge and celebrate some of the original founders of CORL and significant contributors to ORNAC. Muriel Shewchuk Muriel was a founding member and original Co-Chair of CORL and represented CORL on the ORNAC board for several years. She was an outstanding Educator, Administrator and Mentor. She has always had the very best interests of Perioperative Nursing and Perioperative Leadership as one of her core drivers and has over the years contributed to their wellbeing in multiple ways and venues. The CORL team is also so proud to call her "one of our most accomplished members". Thank-you Muriel for everything. Patricia Pocock A quiet change agent, Pat was a steadfast member and contributor to ORNAC. Pat was instrumental, along with her colleague Muriel Shewchuk, in the creation of the Canadian Operating Room Leaders group (CORL) and subsequently bringing this group to the ORNAC Board table. This seat, first created by Pat and Muriel, is called Leadership and describes Pat well as she was a leader in so many ways. She was a senior OR manager, Department head, Director in her practice at St. Joseph’s Hospital, London, Ontario. She was a leader with the CORL group. She was a leader with ORNAC, on the board as co-chair of Advocacy/Governance and moved the organization through its incorporation phase. She was a leader who always saw the good to be achieved in change, and the good in the people who would be required to make those changes. Valerie Zellermeyer Valerie joined CORL in the early days and remained our treasurer for many years. Valerie was an outstanding Adminstrative Leader, Educator, and Mentor. She always had the best interests of Perioperative Patients and Staff foremost in her work. The CORL team is so proud to call her “one of our most accomplished members” and we celebrate her life "well lived”. Thank you Valerie for your many contributions. |