Canadian Operating Room Leaders (CORL)
Canadian Operating Room Leaders

Register with CORL

Step 1 of 3: Enter your information to register

Registration Information
Registration Type: *
Personal Information
First Name: *
Last Name: *
Address: *
City: *
Province/State: *
Country: *
Postal/Zip Code: *
Phone: * Ext.
Cell Phone:
E-mail: *
IMPORTANT: You must enter an e-mail address above. It will be used for all correspondence. If you do not have a home e-mail, enter your work e-mail here.
Employment Information
Hospital/Employer Name:
Area(s) of Specialty
(Check all that apply)
Cath Lab CVS Diagnostic Imaging Endoscopy
ENT General Surgery Gyne Labor And Delivery
Neurosurgery Oral Surgery Ophthalmology Orthopedics
Pediatrics Plastics Thoracic Vascular
Urology Other:
ORNAC Information
Are you an ORNAC Member?Yes No
ORNAC Membership Number:
ORNAC Group and/or Province:
Mailing Preferences
- Yes, I am interested in receiving mail regarding CORL promotions, news and events
- Yes, I am interested in receiving e-mail regarding CORL promotions, news and events
Create a Password for Future Visits
For future visits to our site, you will be assigned a username and require a password. Please create a password for yourself by entering it below. Passwords must be at least 6 characters long containing letters and at least one number.
Password: *
Re-type: *
Security Question
Please solve the following: *

Have you previously registered on our site?
If so, please login to continue:

Username or E-mail:


If you have previously registered on our site but cannot remember your login information, click here.

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